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Friday, September 26, 2014

Pantene Aqua Pure Conditioner

Hi frens
Apa kalian tahu dengan situs yukcoba.in ? Sudah tahu ? Belum ? Nah, bagi kalian yang belum tahu. Yukcoba.in sendiri adalah situs yang berisi review-review produk. Baik itu makeup, skincare, ataupun makanan. Sesuai namanya, Yukcoba.in menawarkan produk-produk untuk kita review. Caranya mudah, buka situs Yukcoba.in, pilih produk mana yang ingin kalian coba, isi form dan beritahu kenapa kalian ingin cobain. Nah, jika terpilih; tim yukcoba.in akan mengirim produknya langsung ke alamat kamu, dan beri review jujur. See, how easy …

Nah, 2 minggu lalu aku beruntung jadi yang terpilih buat nyobain produk secara gratis. Aku applied Pantene Aqua Pure Conditioner. Ini produknya….

Awalnya aku tertarik saat liat varian Pantene Aqua Pure di minimarket. Tapi aku cuma beli Shampoo saja. Saat itu ada 2 jenis packaging Conditioner di rak, bentuk tube dan bentuk shampoo yang dibalik. Tak ada beda kok, hanya di tube masih ada tulisan Thailand. Varian Aqua Pure ini sendiri manufactured in Thailand.

Deskripsi produk
Different from conventional, creamy conditioners, the new Pantene Aqua Pure conditioner delivers just the right amount of nourishment to your hair without weighing it down. Your hair will feel healthier and lighter after just one use.
• Nourishes hair and gives it a lightweight feel
• Features Clean Rinse technology to rinse hair in just seconds
• Hair is beautifully conditioned, healthy and lifted
Varian Pantene Aqua Pure ini bebas pewarna, bebas paraben, dan bebas silikon. Tentu saja paben dan silikon tidak amat baik untuk rambut. Coba produk ini bebas SLS, pasti perfect.


Kemasannya berbentuk tube besar dengan tutup flip-flop. Mudah dibuka tutup, dan dikontrol pemakaiannya.

Teksturnya berbentuk gel berwarna putih, seperti umumnya Conditioner. Tapi, tekstur Pantene Aqua Pure Conditioner lebih kental, jadi tidak mudah tumpah dan meleber. Saat dibilas dengan air, tidak terlalu ada busa. Walaupun tagline mereka, kalu conditioner ini, tapi saat dibilas harus beberapa kali supaya bersih. Kalian harus membilasnya dengan bersih, supaya tidak timbul ketombe. Apapun merek nya.

Baunya segar, mengingatkan akan bau produk perawatan badan bayi. Ringan dan segar, senangnya baunya melekat di rambut buat waktu lama

Setelah menggunakan Pantene Aqua Pure Conditioner selama  dua minggu aku merasa rambutku jadi lebih lembut dan ringan. Saat aku menggunakan shampoo saja, rambutku jadi sedikit kering dan sulit diatur. Namun, pemakaian bersama-sama conditioner membuat rambutku jadi tidak mengembang dan kering.
They are better in combo
Sebenarnya aku berharap conditionernya mudah dibilas, soalnya aku memang paling malas repot saat keramas. Tapi, sejauh ini aku puas dengan hasilnya. Rontokku jadi berkurang, dan tidak menambah ketombe.

Will I buy it again ? Sure

Terima kasih Yukcobain untuk kesempatannya. Yuk daftar dan cobain produk-produk seru di yukcoba.in


Monday, September 1, 2014

NYX Eye Shadow The Carribean Collection : I Dream of Antigua

Hi fren 
Hope your life still lovely as usual, if not; I hope it will be wonderful soon.
Okay this time I would like to make a review of NYX Eyeshadow. Mine is The Carribean Collection ESP5C04 I Dream of Antigua. Hmmm, where the heck Antigua is ?
Lovely Blue of Antigua
So, Antigua (Waladli or Wadadli in native way) is an island of Antigua and Barbuda territory. An island which is famous for its white sand sunny beach in Caribbean area. Antigua and Barbuda itself is a country which under Constitutional Monarchy of England.  

And what are you hoping for a 'Caribbean Collection' eyeshadow ? Yupss, colorfull and bright colors, oceanic color. NYX claims this series as the collection of the popular.
The combination of popular colors we have in one palette, inspired from pretty and dominantly warm colors.
Free Translation from: NYX Indonesia 

The box and the eyeshadow case itself share same form. They have black with a lonely coconut tree. I know they want to give the Caribbean impression, but somehow that coconut tree is not cute, or elegant at all. It will be better if they get rid the lonely coconut. The packaging will be chic without it. The case comes with sturdy body, with large mirror and two applicators.


The Caribbean Series has 7 numbers begin with I dream .... (several places in Caribbean area). Each of palette has 5 different colors. Mine is ESP5C04, it comes with 4 matte and 1 glitter.

Start with left side :
1. White Ivory : matte
2. Light Sky Blue : matte
3. Silver : matte
4. Grey : matte
5. Grey : glitter
This is my swatch without eye primer and without eye primer. I used Aubeau Eye Make Up Base :
The color is pigmented even without primer, but this color is not wearable in daily look. Will give you superb look, but very perfect for creating grey smokey eyes.

Texture and Staying Power
Sadly, this collection is easy to fallen and hit under your eyes. Ckckckck ... Once you pinch it, it will go like dandellion blown by wind. Fly away ... And the staying power is tralala. Like usual, so so. 
Just a newbie in applying Eyeshadow. Pardon me please.

For me this eyeshadow :

(+) Affordable, yet little expensive for some. Rp. 200.000,- (about $ 20)
(+) Pigmented
(+) Comes is colors variation
(+) Sturdy case with big mirror
(+) Gorgeous for party look

(-) Extravagant for daily look. 
(-) Fallen easily
(-) So so staying power

Will I buy it ? May be, considering 02 or 10

Oke here are my looks using this eyeshadow. Actually, I am a newbie in makeup, so do eyeshadow. 

Hahaha, drawing different  brows' shape 
This product will be different according to your terms and conditions.
* Selfi  Tipani