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Sunday, November 30, 2014

Marina UV White Body Essence

Hi fens....
Cuaca akhir ini tidak menentu. Kadang panas, kadang hujan. Makanya tetap jaga kesehatan tubuhmu dengan makan yg bergizi dan cukup, jangan lupa minum vitamin. Tapiii .... Bukan cuma tubuh saja lho yg butuh vitamin. Kulit kita juga butuh vitamin dan makanan sehat nan bergizi. Paparan sinar ultraviolet tentu saja akan merusak kesehatan kulitmu. Resikonya bukan cuma bikin kulit jadi lebih gelap lho, Sinar UV dan radikal bebas nan jahat bisa membuat seseorang beresiko kena kanker kulit. Hiiiii .... Serem kan ?

Tinggal di sebuah pulau kecil di dataran rendah membuatku sadar kalau sinar UV itu jahat. Menempuh 50 km pulang pergi bekerja menggunakan motor, walau sudah pakai sarung tangan, kaos kaki; kulitku masih saja belang. Apalagi bekas jam tangan beda tertinggal di pergelangan tangan.

Makanya, aku senang sekali saat Marina mengirimkan produk yang bisa melindungi kulitku dari paparan sinar UV A dan B, serta radikal bebas. Aku menerima produk ini sejak sekitar 3 minggu lalu, saat Blogger lain sudah mereview; barang ku baru sampai. Ekspedisi di tempatku memang kadang aneh. Pernah barang baru diantar 2 minggu setelah sampai. Belum lagi akhir-akhir ini aku sibuk pelatihan diluar kota, dan tidak sempat membuka blog. Ah ...

Membuat kulit terlihat nyata tampak lebih putih ideal, gelap dan kusam tak kembali. 
Marina UV White extra SPF 30 Body Essence  dengan Superfruit Açai Berry (High Antioxidant) dan SPF 30 serta PA++ (UVB & UV A protection) yang menjaga dari penyebab penggelapan kulit . 
Bahan aktif 10x White Yogurt Boost menutrisi kulit untuk membantu kulit kusam tampak lebih cerah dan merata.
Marina UV White extra SPF 30 Body Essence 
diformulasikan mudah meresap ke dalam sehingga bekerja lebih aktif.

Ini dia Marina UV White Body Essence. Produk baru dari Marina yang berfungsi untuk melindungi kulit dan membuat kulit jadi lebih cerah.

Packaging : Bentuk tube berukuran 70 ml yang handy dengan tutup flip-flop. Sangat mudah untuk dikontrol pemakaian yang diinginkan.

Scent : Aroma acai berry dan yoghurt yang manis dan tidak berlebihan, baunnya menyegarkan. Dan senangnya, baunya tahan cukup lama lho.

Tekstur : berbentuk lotion berwarna putih yg mudah meresap. Tidak meninggalkan rasa lengket dan greasy di kulit setelah pemakaian ataupun saat terkena air.

Cara pakai : Gunakan diseluruh tubuh 2 kali sehari, untuk hasil yg lebih baik; pakai sesudah mandi.

Sejauh ini, kulitku berkurang belangnya. Walaupun kadang-kadang karena aku sendiri yang lalai pakai perlindungan ekstra. Walaupun sudah menggunakan lotion berSPF atau sunblock. Tetap jangan terlalu lama kena sinar matahari langsung ya frens.

Terima kasih Marina untuk produknya. Berguna sekali. Love it ....


Friday, September 26, 2014

Pantene Aqua Pure Conditioner

Hi frens
Apa kalian tahu dengan situs yukcoba.in ? Sudah tahu ? Belum ? Nah, bagi kalian yang belum tahu. Yukcoba.in sendiri adalah situs yang berisi review-review produk. Baik itu makeup, skincare, ataupun makanan. Sesuai namanya, Yukcoba.in menawarkan produk-produk untuk kita review. Caranya mudah, buka situs Yukcoba.in, pilih produk mana yang ingin kalian coba, isi form dan beritahu kenapa kalian ingin cobain. Nah, jika terpilih; tim yukcoba.in akan mengirim produknya langsung ke alamat kamu, dan beri review jujur. See, how easy …

Nah, 2 minggu lalu aku beruntung jadi yang terpilih buat nyobain produk secara gratis. Aku applied Pantene Aqua Pure Conditioner. Ini produknya….

Awalnya aku tertarik saat liat varian Pantene Aqua Pure di minimarket. Tapi aku cuma beli Shampoo saja. Saat itu ada 2 jenis packaging Conditioner di rak, bentuk tube dan bentuk shampoo yang dibalik. Tak ada beda kok, hanya di tube masih ada tulisan Thailand. Varian Aqua Pure ini sendiri manufactured in Thailand.

Deskripsi produk
Different from conventional, creamy conditioners, the new Pantene Aqua Pure conditioner delivers just the right amount of nourishment to your hair without weighing it down. Your hair will feel healthier and lighter after just one use.
• Nourishes hair and gives it a lightweight feel
• Features Clean Rinse technology to rinse hair in just seconds
• Hair is beautifully conditioned, healthy and lifted
Varian Pantene Aqua Pure ini bebas pewarna, bebas paraben, dan bebas silikon. Tentu saja paben dan silikon tidak amat baik untuk rambut. Coba produk ini bebas SLS, pasti perfect.


Kemasannya berbentuk tube besar dengan tutup flip-flop. Mudah dibuka tutup, dan dikontrol pemakaiannya.

Teksturnya berbentuk gel berwarna putih, seperti umumnya Conditioner. Tapi, tekstur Pantene Aqua Pure Conditioner lebih kental, jadi tidak mudah tumpah dan meleber. Saat dibilas dengan air, tidak terlalu ada busa. Walaupun tagline mereka, kalu conditioner ini, tapi saat dibilas harus beberapa kali supaya bersih. Kalian harus membilasnya dengan bersih, supaya tidak timbul ketombe. Apapun merek nya.

Baunya segar, mengingatkan akan bau produk perawatan badan bayi. Ringan dan segar, senangnya baunya melekat di rambut buat waktu lama

Setelah menggunakan Pantene Aqua Pure Conditioner selama  dua minggu aku merasa rambutku jadi lebih lembut dan ringan. Saat aku menggunakan shampoo saja, rambutku jadi sedikit kering dan sulit diatur. Namun, pemakaian bersama-sama conditioner membuat rambutku jadi tidak mengembang dan kering.
They are better in combo
Sebenarnya aku berharap conditionernya mudah dibilas, soalnya aku memang paling malas repot saat keramas. Tapi, sejauh ini aku puas dengan hasilnya. Rontokku jadi berkurang, dan tidak menambah ketombe.

Will I buy it again ? Sure

Terima kasih Yukcobain untuk kesempatannya. Yuk daftar dan cobain produk-produk seru di yukcoba.in


Monday, September 1, 2014

NYX Eye Shadow The Carribean Collection : I Dream of Antigua

Hi fren 
Hope your life still lovely as usual, if not; I hope it will be wonderful soon.
Okay this time I would like to make a review of NYX Eyeshadow. Mine is The Carribean Collection ESP5C04 I Dream of Antigua. Hmmm, where the heck Antigua is ?
Lovely Blue of Antigua
So, Antigua (Waladli or Wadadli in native way) is an island of Antigua and Barbuda territory. An island which is famous for its white sand sunny beach in Caribbean area. Antigua and Barbuda itself is a country which under Constitutional Monarchy of England.  

And what are you hoping for a 'Caribbean Collection' eyeshadow ? Yupss, colorfull and bright colors, oceanic color. NYX claims this series as the collection of the popular.
The combination of popular colors we have in one palette, inspired from pretty and dominantly warm colors.
Free Translation from: NYX Indonesia 

The box and the eyeshadow case itself share same form. They have black with a lonely coconut tree. I know they want to give the Caribbean impression, but somehow that coconut tree is not cute, or elegant at all. It will be better if they get rid the lonely coconut. The packaging will be chic without it. The case comes with sturdy body, with large mirror and two applicators.


The Caribbean Series has 7 numbers begin with I dream .... (several places in Caribbean area). Each of palette has 5 different colors. Mine is ESP5C04, it comes with 4 matte and 1 glitter.

Start with left side :
1. White Ivory : matte
2. Light Sky Blue : matte
3. Silver : matte
4. Grey : matte
5. Grey : glitter
This is my swatch without eye primer and without eye primer. I used Aubeau Eye Make Up Base :
The color is pigmented even without primer, but this color is not wearable in daily look. Will give you superb look, but very perfect for creating grey smokey eyes.

Texture and Staying Power
Sadly, this collection is easy to fallen and hit under your eyes. Ckckckck ... Once you pinch it, it will go like dandellion blown by wind. Fly away ... And the staying power is tralala. Like usual, so so. 
Just a newbie in applying Eyeshadow. Pardon me please.

For me this eyeshadow :

(+) Affordable, yet little expensive for some. Rp. 200.000,- (about $ 20)
(+) Pigmented
(+) Comes is colors variation
(+) Sturdy case with big mirror
(+) Gorgeous for party look

(-) Extravagant for daily look. 
(-) Fallen easily
(-) So so staying power

Will I buy it ? May be, considering 02 or 10

Oke here are my looks using this eyeshadow. Actually, I am a newbie in makeup, so do eyeshadow. 

Hahaha, drawing different  brows' shape 
This product will be different according to your terms and conditions.
* Selfi  Tipani

Saturday, August 16, 2014

BBlog : Everyday With Simply Stay

Hi frens
Suatu sore sepulang kerja, adikku menunjuk kotak diatas meja. Ternyata paket dari proyek Simply Stay BBlog x Mustika Ratu. Awalnya ku pikir, hanya Blogger tertentu yg kebagian produk tuk direview. Senang sekali, Blogger baru dan timbul tenggelam sepertiku masuk kategori. Nah, postingan ini dibuat sebagai bentuk partisipasiku.

Mustika Ratu adalah merek kosmetik Indonesia yang konsisten menggali potensi kecantikan Indonesia. Dibuat sesuai karakteristik kulit dan kebutuhan wanita Indonesia. Kamu bisa cek website dan Fanpage Sosial Media mereka
Online Shops [1] [2]
Produk nya adalah line Simply Stay dari Mustika Ratu. Sebenarnya dua bulan lalu, sewaktu ke Jogja aku sudah melihat produk ini di counter Mustika Ratu Ambarukmo Plaza. Bahkan dapat undangan Talk Show dan Makeup Class. Sayangnya, malah lupa. Ah, pagi minggu yang enak untuk tidur.
Cantiknya Elvira Devinamira (Putri Indonesia 2014)

Nah, menurut kalian apa yang paling penting dari merek Makeup ? Tentu kualitas, apakah standar untuk kualitas itu sendiri. Lembut, Lembab, Tahan Lama adl tagline dari Simply Stay dari Mustika Ratu. Line yang menawarkan tak hanya kelembutan untuk kulit, kelembaban untuk iklim Indonesia, tapi juga tahan lama. Tagrget pasar dari Simply Stay Make Up ini adalah wanita aktif berusia 25-30 tahun yang butuh makeup tahan lama setiap hari. Cocok untuk kamu yang ingin tampil Chic.

Keunggulan Mustika Ratu Simply Stay Make Up adl :

1. With Curcuma Heyneana Root Extract sebagai natural skin conditioning, memberikan kelembaban, menghaluskan kulit serta mencerahkan kulit.
2. With Tocopheryl Acetat (Vitamin E) merupakan anti oksidan alami, antioksidan kuat untuk melindungi dari kerusakan oleh radikal oksigen reaktif & sinar UV.

3. With Octyl Methoxycinnamate sebagai UV filter alami untuk melindungi wajah dari paparan sinar matahari (UV B)
4. Teksturlembut sehingga mudah menyerap kedalam kulit.
5. Mudah diaplikasikan.
6. tahan lama sampai 12 jam.
7. Bersertifikat Halal.
Paket yang kudapatkan adalah pallete sampling yang terdiri dari 2 moisturizer, 4 shade liquid foundation, 4 shade stick foundation, dan 4 shade two way cake. Ada 4 varian warna yang tersedia, tinggal cocokkan dengan warna kulitmu.
1. Pearly White : untuk kulit putih.
2. Smoothie Yellow : untuk kulit kuning langsat.
3. Caramel Latte : Untuk kulit sawo matang.
4. Sweet Choco : untuk kulit hitam manis.

Moisturizer (Pelembab)
Tersedia 2 jenis moisturizer, untuk kulit normal to dry dan untuk kulit normal to oily. Karena kulitku berminyak, jadi aku pakai yang normal to oily. Teksturnya mirip lotion, berwarna putih. Mudah dibaurkan, dan cepat meresap dikulit, tidak terasa lengket.
Cara pakai : Usapkan secara merata pada wajah dan leher.
Harga : Rp. 15.000,-
Liquid Foundation (Alas Bedak Cair)
Tersedia 4 varian warna, alas bedak dengan tekstur cair yang mudah diaplikasikan. Hasil coverage sedang, cukup untuk menutupi noda ringan di wajah. Cocok untuk kamu yang ingin makeup sehari-hari yang ringan dan natural. Tapi, kemasan moisturizer dan liquid foundation ini sama. Baik bentuk sampling dan full size. Kemungkinan tertukar besar sekali.
Cara pakai : Usapkan secara merata pada wajah dan leher.
Harga : Rp. 20.000,-
Stick Foundation (Alas Bedak Padat)
Walaupun namanya sama, tapi Stick foundation ini lebih gelap dari liquid foundation. Teksturnya creamy, tapi mudah diaplikasikan. Daya tutupnya sangat baik, bisa menutupi noda yang lebih berat di wajah.  Cocok untuk kamu yang ingin daya tutup ekstra, atau untuk makeup berat seperti pesta. Stick Foundation harus diaplikasikan perlahan, dan tidak terburu-buru. Supaya hasilnya merata, dan tidak cakey.
Cara pakai : Oleskan pada wajah secara merata dengan tangan atau pons. Ulangi proses pada bagian ternoda untuk penutupan lebih sempurna
Harga : Rp. 60.000,-
Two Way Cake (Bedak Dwiguna)
Nah, two way Cake ini lebih terang dari pada Stick Foundationnya. Memang, warna foundation itu sebaiknya dipilih 1 warna lebih gelap dari warna kulit. Teksturnya lembut, mudah dicolek, bahkan cendrung powdery. Coveragenya medium. Tekstur ini membuatnya mudah diaplikasikan. Sayangnya jika jatuh, TWC  ini akan mudah pecah. 
Cara pakai : Usapkan secara merata dengan puff (kuas, spons) pada wajah dan leher.
Harga : Rp. 75.000,-

Menurutku Mustika Ratu Simply Stay ini :
(+) Melembabkan, menghaluskan, dan mencerahkan kulit.
(+) Melindungi dari UVB
(+) Tahan lama
(+) Formula dan warna yang cocok untuk wanita Indonesia 
(+) Terjangkau Rp. 15.000, - sampai Rp. 75.000,-

(-) Kemasan moisturizer dan liquid foundation yang sama. Saat buru-buru, bisa saja tertukar.
(-) Tidak semua tempat tersedia seri lengkap. (contohnya kotaku). Belum tersedia di online shop.

Hasil bisa berbeda tergantung keadaan tiap orang.

Terima kasih ^_^
Selfi. T

Monday, August 4, 2014

Rivera Lipstick 23 : Twilight Orange

Hi frens
It's still in Eid mood. So I wish for everyone, minal aidzin walfaidzin.
Credit image
It's summer not. I'm sure the weather is totally hot. Keep stay healthy, because summer is super tiredsome. Getting angry easily, uncontrolable emotion. But, it's sunshine. Go out with your friends, hangout to the beaches, don't let eat your ice cream melt.
Lately, I grew sudden interest by bright color. Yellow, orange, or just bright blue. So does about lipstick. 
I kind of obsessed by orange lipstick. Looking at tangerine lips in korean woman. I just wow, such adorable. That is why I tries to find orange lipstick. And here I found.
Yes, like this
Credit image 
It's local brand called RIVERA. Rivera is produced by PT. Fabindo Sejahtera. Same company, which produce Fanbo.
It said : 
Lipstick which is rich in moisture and formulated with special ingredient and color. Used to keep your lips moist. Enriched with vit E as anti oxidant and Ethyl Hexyl Methoxycinnamate as UV Protection to protect your lips against the bad effect of UV light.

Wow, help my lips against bad effect of UV light. Is it that great ? Hmmm ...


It has pretty glossy blue box. So the color of this lipstick. I always love blue, and I like its packaging color. The packaging shape is kind of weird. It’s bulky, yes. But the shape is … I don’t know how to tell you. For me, it’s like eye or lips shape. May you please tell me what is perfect term for this shape.


Rivera Lipstick no 23 : Twilight Orange. It is glittering light orange. It's super difficult to get the color on. I don't know how many times I applied it. Then after hard struggling process, it looks like a lip gloss in my lips. Very very sheer. Even some colored lip gloss can do better. 

The texture is glossy, honestly I thought it will be satin finish in my lips. Even it said as lipstick in the box, but in the end it's lip gloss for me. May be because the concept is moisture, and yes this lipstick is moist. It doesn't make your lips dry.
Btw, if you don't be careful, this lipstick will clump. Ah, what a bad ! No annoying yet nice scent. Just general lipstick scent as usual.

Staying Power
What can I expect. This lipstick has so so staying power. 

I’m really disappointed in this product. This lip product should be named as colored lip balm, instead just lipstick. The color is so sheer, and it's not what I expected.
Honestly, it's my fault in the end. I never swatch lipstick tester in my lips, you may not know how many hands have touched it. So, I only swatched this lipstick in my hand. I realized my hands are darker nowadays, because I never wear glove everytime I ride my bike. Yeah, it's summer. You get tanning easily, right.

For me it is :
(+) Moisture my lips
(+) Affordable, about 3 USD (Rp. 30.000,-)

(-) Color is difficult to be appeared
(-) Clumpy if don't carefully
(-) Weird Shape and bulky packaging
(-) So so staying power

Will I repurchase it again : No.

The result may vary depend on your terms and conditions.

* Selfi. T*

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Sample : Biore Face My Day

Hi frens ...
How are you doing ? Such a wonderful day for you ? Hopefully. Wow, it has been a loooonggg time since the last post I made. February ? 5 months ago. But here I come now ...
Helloooo my dear frens......
        Several weeks ago, when I was out of city. I got a message from expedition courier, my package has already in their office. They couldn't deliver it since nobody to receive it. Well, I was quite confuse which address I used. One month ago my family has moved to a small village, and due to my job I decided to live alone. That's why I wondered 'is it my old house' address ? my new boarding house's ? or my work place's. 
So, I asked my mom to get it. Until last week, I forgot about it. It has been kept nicely in my drawer, and mom din't remind me. Until, I one that drawer. 
Comes with Cute Blue Makeup Case
         Here it is ... I remembered ever send a picture in sampling program and photo contest from Biore Indonesia. They provided samples of their new product, for first 1000 contestants who uploaded their photo. And I am one of it. Yeay ....

These products which I got
Biore Daily Color Clear
Combination of Makeup remover and facial foam
Biore Charcoal Facial Wash
Biore Makeup Remover Tissue
Made in Japan
  Three facial washes and makeup remover tissue. Their tagline is Face My Day. Of course to face your day, you have to start with a clean face. Face day of yours by clean and clear face will boost your confidence better. You'll get ready to face any kind of thing, probably conquer the world. Are you ready ?
        Thank you Biore Indonesia for the sample. Just check their Facebook Fanpage and Twitter regularly, so you won't gonna miss nice offer from them.

* Selfi. T

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Wardah Longlasting Lipstick 4 (Antique Pink)

Hi frens ....
How do you feel ? Hope for the bless of GOD will always come upon you ....
I'm feeling romantic in this valentine mood ? How can't Valentine has already passed. Even we can say love anytime, not in Valentine only.
Okay, I want to share a color of romantic lipstick I have.
I've grown such an interest toward lipstick. More than other kind of makeup. We can change the look, other's perspective, and mood; as we change the color of lipstick. How wonderful ...

Official Website
Facebook Fanpage
Wardah is well known brand in Indonesia. Wardah is one of the pioneer of Halal makeup. We are Muslim woman always want to be more beautiful. And makeup is one of the way to achieve it. But, it will be such a worry if wear makeup without knowing the ingredients and how to produce it. Who know if makeup we wear made from pig/ fork. And pig is Haram for us to eat. All of Haram things will cause sin ... Good thing, this brand is easy to find, even in the small city.

This is the lipstick. Wardah Long Lasting Lipstick no. 4, the name is Antique Pink.
I am a tomboy, but I love pink. Even I don't have pink outfit. The packaging comes with slender body with silver color. It's small like a pen. The netto is 2,5 gr only. How little ... The packaging is light, quite bulky, easily to scratch.

I bought this lipstick without tester. I randomly chose it from the box. I only opened the box and saw the color, then bought it. My bad ... There are 11 colors provided in this series. Mine is no 4 ( Antique Pink). Personally, I love the color. What a sweet and nice pink. I feel cute when wear this lipstick. Totally different with my personality. Who care ? The color is pretty, isn't it ?

Pardon my bad quality picture
The texture is matte, and unfortunately it can't fully cover my lips. I need to apply it more than twice swap. Luckily, the color doesn't getting intense as I swap it more. A good or bad ? It's up to you. Like any matte lipsticks, you will get a bad result if wear it in dry lips.

About twice - three times applied to get this result
It's claimed able to stay long in lips. No, not so long lasting. There is stain leave in the glass when I drink. After eat ? The color is about to disappear. Fortunately, it won't dry my lips.

For me it :
(+) Comes with pretty color
(+) Affordable, I got it Rp. 32.000 ( 3 USD). The price may vary depend on your location
(+) Not make my lips dry

(-) Light but quite bulky packaging
(-) Such a little content
(-) Not that long lasting

Will I repurchase it : May be

The result may vary depend on your term and condition

* Selfi. T